MGFF Chapter 2 is now $1!

MGFF Chapter 2 is now available for a dollar! I've updated the current version (And called it ch2.0B2) which should have fixed several bugs including one where Emily wouldn't show up so you couldn't complete her route.
I encourage you guys to redownload it to fix that, sorry.
Thank you guys SO much for your support and even more your patience with me. To all of you who are new, I'm just one guy working on this thing as a hobby and I screw up a lot so I really appreciate your understanding.

Have a good one, Kyle

Files 2.4 GB
49 days ago
mgff.20B2.apk 2.5 GB
49 days ago

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Where can I download chapter 2?

(1 edit)

Is there a scene with Josy/Katie&Josy? After the studying it doesn't say that there is no more content, but I can't find it at all

edit: randomly found it 5 minutes after posting this, don't know what I did but it worked xd


Is there a bug with Olivia?  At the stage where the option to call Oliva at night it brings up the kitchen scene with Mia's mum.

Will there be another update adding the voice acting you mentioned? If yes, I will keep waiting for it.


Yes, it's coming.

windows is missing again


Sorry, should be available now.

eh, third time's the charm