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MGFF Chapter 2 is now $1!
February 10, 2025
Kyle Mercury
MGFF Chapter 2 is now available for a dollar! I've updated the current version (And called it ch2.0B2) which should have fixed several bugs including one where Emily wouldn't show up so you couldn't c...
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Let's Get You Updated
October 15, 2024
Kyle Mercury
Okay! So this is awkward. I've been making update posts on itch and they...just didn't work? As you can see from the title suggestions below I made posts but they don't show up in my list of posts. Wh...
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We're Back
July 18, 2024
Kyle Mercury
After Months of frustration the funds are finally available! If you weren't aware we had an issue since March 1st where I couldn't retrieve the funds from Patreon. That problem is now fixed and I can...
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Chapter 2.0 Update
June 03, 2024
Kyle Mercury
Hello! I'm here to give you guys an update on the current situation, which is pretty shitty I have to admit. Most of the funds I use to pay the artists for MGFF come from Patreon, I receive support fr...
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My Girlfriend's Friends ch1.5B Now available for Free!
June 18, 2023
Kyle Mercury
MGFF is now Public! I hope you enjoy the content, and if you want to join the DISCORD, CLICK HERE . All the updates/changelog is in a previous post. Have a good one...
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My Girlfriend's Friends Ch1.5B is now $1
June 10, 2023
Kyle Mercury
MGFF is now $1USD! And will be released for free in one week. I hope you enjoy the content, and if you want to join the DISCORD, CLICK HERE ...
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My Girlfriend's Friends Ch1.5B Now available for $5!
June 05, 2023
Kyle Mercury
Like the title says, MGFF is $5USD, in one week it'll be available for 1USD, then a week after it'll go public! I hope you enjoy the content, and if you want to join the DISCORD, CLICK HERE ...
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My Girlfriend's Friends Ch1.5B is now available!
May 30, 2023
Kyle Mercury
Hey everyone, Thank you for the continued interest and support for the project. If you'd like you can join out DISCORD server, we don't have a super active community just yet but I like to post little...
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My Girlfriend's Friends ch1.5 Now available for Free!
July 24, 2022
Kyle Mercury
My Girlfriend's Friends is now free! I thank you for your patience for those who waited and I thank you those who supported the game so far. Without you guys this project wouldn't exist so thanks once...
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My Girlfriend's Friends ch1.5 Now available for $5!
July 10, 2022
Kyle Mercury
Hey guys! Here is the update post letting you know about the $5 Release. There were some hotfixes I needed to make when first released so if you bought the $10 game and wish to have the updated versio...
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A Little Peek Into Some Chapter 2 content
April 08, 2022
Kyle Mercury
#mgff, #mgffch2, #kyle mercury
Hey guys I just wanted to show off some content that we've been working on in chapter 2 of My Girlfriend's Friends. I wanted to make this post earlier but was acting up and wouldn't let me pos...
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Discord Link
January 17, 2022
Kyle Mercury
#mgff, #discord, #kyle mercury
Hey just wanted to let you guys know there's a link to the MGFF and FT Discord in the description now, I'll also link it here if you are interested. CLICK HERE for the Discord...
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Plans For Chapter 2
January 08, 2022
Kyle Mercury
#mgffch2.0, #mgff, #kyle emrcury
Hey guys, I wanted to make a Dev Log talking about the next chapter of MGFF. Chapter 1 went really well and I think it clears a path for chapter 2 very nicely. So to get straight to the point, here's...
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MGFFch1.0 Is Now Public!
December 03, 2021
Kyle Mercury
#mgff ch1.0, #mgff
Hey guys I'm happy to announce that My GIrlfriend's Friends chapter 1.0 is now public and free. All versions so that's PC, MAC and ANDROID. The android port isn't the best so let me know if you come a...
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MGFFch1.0 Is Now 1 Dollar!
November 26, 2021
Kyle Mercury
Not much to say really, MGFF is now a dollar for all platforms and will become public next week! Please message me directly with any bugs or errors you might find...
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MGFFch1.0 For Android Is Now $5
November 18, 2021
Kyle Mercury
#mgff android
The Android release is now 5 bucks! Next week Friday it'll go down to 1 dollar, then public the week after. Have a good one!...
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MGFFch1.0 Is Now 5 Dollars!
November 12, 2021
Kyle Mercury
MGFF ch1.0 is now $5US for PC and MAC. The android version will follow next week on Friday. Also next week it will be available for $1US and the following week it will be public! Please contact me dir...
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MGFFch1.0 Release!
November 09, 2021
Kyle Mercury
#mgff, #mgffch1.0
Thanks to support increasing the allowable upload file size I'm now able to sell the My Girlfriend's Friends ch1.0 build. This update includes new scenes and content for all of the girls and J...
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MGFFch1.0 Is Coming!
November 05, 2021
Kyle Mercury
#mgff, #mgffch1.0
Hey guys, MGFF is finished and available on my patreon page for $10+ patrons, that will go down to $5 in a week, then $1, then public after that. I wanted to sell it here on however the files...
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MGFFch0.9 Status Update
June 01, 2021
Kyle Mercury
This is an update letting you guys know the details of ch0.9 (I've switched from using v to ch). Firstly, ch 0.9 was and is always meant to be for high tier supporters only, a pseudo-BETA before ch1.0...
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MGFFv0.75 Free For All!
February 26, 2021
Kyle Mercury
#nsfw, #mgff, #mgffv0.75
My Girlfriend's friends is now public for PC Mac and Android. The recommended optional fee of $1.00 is still there but not mandatory whatsoever. I hope you enjoy the content. Reminder: v0.75 is mostly...
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MGFFv0.75 For ANDROID is now $1.00
February 13, 2021
Kyle Mercury
My Girlfriend's friends can now be purchased for a Dollar!...
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MGFFv0.75 For ANDROID is now $5.00
February 05, 2021
Kyle Mercury
MGFFv0.75 is now $5. Next week it will go down to $1, and the next will be public...
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MGFFv0.75 Now Available
January 31, 2021
Kyle Mercury
MGGFv0.75 is now available, currently both the PC Mac, and Android versions are $10, but after a week they'll be $5, then $1, then free with options for support. If you're looking for the Free v0.5 An...
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Android Build Now Available For Purchase
December 09, 2020
Kyle Mercury
#Kyle Mercury, #MGFF, #MGFF Android
The Android build of the game can now be purchased for 1 dollar! It has a small amount of art content more than the PC and Mac version of the game since by the time I figured out how to port it, the g...
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